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IRST is a member of the Australian Labour and Employment Relations Association (ALERA), the national the voice of the industrial relations (IR) profession.

Formerly called the IR Society of Australia, ALERA was formed in the 1950s, making it the oldest and largest national organisation in this field in Australia. As the national voice for IR professionals, ALERA’s objects include fostering discussion, research, education, publication and liaising with governments as well as other organisations and agencies. IRST is a   member of ALERA. 

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The International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA)

ALERA is affiliated with and is an active member of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA). ILERA was established in 1967 and its general purpose is to promote the study of labour and employment relations throughout the world in the relevant academic disciplines, by such means as:

  • encouraging the establishment and development of national associations of labour and employment relations specialists;
  • facilitating the spread of information about significant developments in research and education in the field of labour and employment relations;
  • organising worldwide and regional congresses; and
  • promoting internationally planned research, by organising study groups on particular topics.

ILERA holds world and regional congresses that provide excellent opportunities for discussing research results and policies, promising practices, and social networking. For details of ILERA activities, The next World Congress will be held on 27 - 30 June, 2024 in New York. 

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The US Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA)

LERA is ALERA’s sibling organisation in the USA where professionals interested in all aspects of employment relations network to share ideas and learn about new developments, issues, and practices in the field. Founded in 1947 as the Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA), the US LERA provides a great forum where the views of representatives of unions, employers, government and academics, advocates and neutrals are welcome. 

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Level 7, 86 Collins Street, Hobart, Tasmania, 7000

P: (03) 6165 6775

GPO Box 1108
Hobart 7001


RST is a member of ALERA. ALERA is governed by an Executive Committee made up of representatives from the affiliated States and Territory bodies. ALERA brings together representatives of trade unions, employers, Government, the legal profession and academics and to both organise and foster discussion, research, education and publication within the field of industrial and workplace relations.

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